Tur i kumwe

About Turikumwe

Turi kumwe Development Foundation is a non-governmental organization with a major focus on creating long-term sustainable change through an integrated approach of engaging community members, governments and business owners. It helps them to identify gaps, address challenges, opportunities, develop plans, implement and monitor progress in sanitation, marketing, advocacy, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), catchment management and private sector led WASH service provision.

At TDF, we know from experience that behind every trusted water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) service is a complex network of people, policies, organizations, and incentives working in synchrony to keep it running. But no individual, institution or entity can get it done alone: delivering the targets of universal access for all by 2030 is entirely dependent on collective effort. Our strength is rooted in partnerships and networks.

TDF remains committed to responding to the challenges and adapting to the trends in the sector to promote and implement a whole system thinking and approach, starting from the community level through consolidated partnerships and scaling up through the regional and national structures, to achieve universal and lasting services by 2030.


Our Vision

A healthy and productive community


Our Mission

Turikumwe exists to enhance the capacity of communities for innovative actions and sustainability.

Meet Our Team

Our Partners

Our work in Uganda is delivered with kind support from funding partners including

Our Technical Partners

Turi kumwe Development Foundation


Cumulative number of people with improved water or sanitation


Number of people reached using TDF’s education materials and WASH games’ approaches


Primary schools, health centres, and community households supported


Sub-counties in Kabarole District, Uganda